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  • Were the Hebrews Protected by Space Aliens?

    Thursday, December 31, 2015
    QUESTION: I was told that the Talmud speaks of another planet called Meroz which is inhabited by advanced alien species who were to come to Earth and help the Israelites fight in their battle against Sisera, however, they refused to come to Israel’s aid and were subsequently cursed by General Barak. Do you know of this story and what do you think about its validity?

    ANSWER: It is self-evident that life propagates to the utmost recesses of the galaxy. Scientists have discovered many earth-like planets with the potential to harbor carbon-based life and even our own moon has underground water with microbial life. Life is not so extraordinary as Science once believed but life is the prerogative of the nature of existence. Accepting the idea that other species of life exist upon other planets within our vast Universe seems more likely than not. However, this idea that Meroz represents a planet other than Earth is highly unlikely. The place of Meroz and the curse upon its inhabitants is mentioned in the Book of Judges wherein Deborah sings of the victory of Balak over Sisera. The identity of Meroz and the explanation of it being an alien planet is discussed in Shavuot 36a; Moed Katan 16a and was more recently taught as a truth by the late Lubavitcher Rebbe. However, this explanation is absurd in the context of history and quite anti-intellectual. Modern scholars have identified the likely identity of Meroz as El-Murussus, a village northwest of Beisan, north of Jezreel. The close identification with the stars is merely the ancient association of people-groups with astrological influences hence the recognition of a curse upon the town which failed to assist Israel in her battle against Sisera.

    There is no mystery as to the historical identity of Meroz and no need to accept an imaginative story of an ancient interstellar galactic federation being sent to help Israel fight an earthly war. 


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