Perception According to Kabbalah
Sunday, August 2, 2015
Most scientists today accept that 99% of the multiverse is invisible – every current physics textbook says this anyways. Only 1% of the multiverse is visible to us. So the obvious question is: When you look at yourself in the mirror, are you seeing 100% of yourself or just 1%? The Kabbalah states that we perceive 1% of reality and the other 99% called Zeir Anpin which is the "revealed" essence of reality. It is revealed not in the sense that we normally perceive it because we do not rather it is revealed in the sense that it is attainable. The gateway to the 99% of reality is through the sefirah of Yesod. Yesod is the Sefirah of Foundation and is equated to the Ego self which is truly the foundation of our sense of self-identity. It is in the proper training of Yesod that we may begin to see the higher aspect of Yesod which is Tiferet- the place of the Self, or the true Self. Through the proper training of Yesod via the study of Kabbalistic texts, learning with Mekubalim, meditation, observing mitzvot with kavanah (lishmah), that we create a more translucent Yesod which then allows for greater perception and clarity to enter the psyche from Zeir Anpin (99%) as facilitated through Tiferet (Higher Self). In Kabbalistic terms this is transcending the state of narrow/constricted consciousness (mochin d'katnut) to a state of expanded awareness (mochin d'gadlut). In essence this is the whole purpose of Kabbalah, from the root l'kabel meaning "to recieve." We are each a vessel (kli) composed of Light which "receives" the greater Light (Ohr) of the Upper Worlds through the screen of our ego (Yesod). The quality of our Yesod (screen/ego) will determine the revelation/perception of Light that we attain to. Our level of attainment is our spiritual evolution towards the Divine Source of the Light.