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  • Esther Part 1

    Tuesday, January 28, 2014

    "Now it came to pass in the days of Ahasuerus--this is Ahasuerus who reigned, from India even unto Ethiopia, over a hundred and seven and twenty provinces…" Esther 1:1)

    The first verse of Megillat Esther introduces the Persian King Ahasuerus who according to historical record is Xerxes 1 and reigned from 485-465 BCE. He was a very cruel and malevolent ruler who reigned over India which today incl...udes the area of Pakistan. His territory included part of the Indus Valley and the plains east of the Afghan mountains which were incorporated into the Persian Kingdom under Darius 1. The land of Cush was south of Egypt, covering the region of northern Sudan and parts of Ethiopia. Under Darius 1 the Empire was divided up into 127 provinces.

    King Ahasuerus was known for his tyranny and there is are examples of this in recorded history such as when a storm prevented him from crossing over Hellespont he ordered that the Hellespont be chained and whipped and all the bridge builders executed. Furthermore, after his army was hospitably entertained on his march on Greece by Pythius the rich Lydian who also offered to contribute a large sum towards the expenses of the war on the condition that the eldest of his sons be released from military duty so that he may be of comfort to his father in his elderly age, was infuriated at the request that he had the elder son cut in half and the two part placed so that the army would march between them. He would later murder his own brother and sister-in-law under some very unpleasant circumstances.

    When King Ahasuerus came to the throne his first endeavor was to complete the building of the palace in Susa which was begun by his father Darius. He also desired to bring Egypt back into subjugation which was completed in the second year of his reign. Subsequently Ahasuerus turned his attention towards Greece in order to expand his Empire. This would lead to a four year battle wherein after many victories, including the capture of Athens, would end in defeat with the decimation of the Persian fleet which cut off necessary supply lines.

    The first chapter of Megillat Esther speaks of the events which were occurring at this time- in the third year of his reign (1:3) and the rise of Esther in the seventh year of his reign (2:16).

    Pnimiyut Esther:

    In the Kabbalistic tradition King Ahasuerus represents the masculine mind which is dominated by the inflated will or egoistic intention to receive for the self alone. This carnal imperative causes humanity to individualize its own desires and consequently imposes suffering and harm upon others. This mind/will reigns from the land of India which represents wealth and pleasure unto the land of Ethiopia which represents darkness, devoid of spiritual light and understanding.


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