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  • Struggle of Opposites

    Wednesday, August 21, 2013
    My friend, Rabbi Aryel, had a discussion going on concerning the two
    perspectives of an individuals place in this world. On one side you have the
    view that one should not engage in life as it is all an act of God anyways. On
    the other side there is the idea that one must fight the good fight and jump
    into the societal and political trenches, which really only amounts to the
    frustrating task of trying to impose ones subjective view of reality upon
    others. I presented my perspective on this issue in an albeit condensed form,
    which has severe limitations but it does hopefully engender deeper thought and
    reflection. Consider the following:

    This is a difficult discussion to address simply because very few people have
    the context to comprehend the nature of reality and their individual
    contribution to the collective. It is true that we are partners with what we
    perceive and call "God." However, the context of the contribution is made
    within a subjective understanding of both, right and wrong; good and evil. For
    example, in the USA we see an ongoing struggle between the pillars of Force and
    Form; Severity and Excessive Mercy. This is manifested within the political and
    societal struggles of Conservativism and Liberalism. Those of either category
    are dominated by the side pillars of the archetypal Sephirot. This all serves a
    purpose to guide the general evolution of humanity collectively and the shift of
    power from one side to the other (i.e. differing political victories) represents
    a general act of Providence which serves to maintain an equilibrium in order to
    not destroy society by an excess of either.

    What does it mean to be responsible for creation? It is impossible to summarize
    the process in this small text space but there are some things you all should
    consider. First, the purpose of creation according to the idrash is for God to
    behold God, precisely meaning that the Primal Unconscious (Ein Sof) emanates a
    line of Consciousness (I.e. Infinite generates finite). Within this context of
    new Conscious perception the Primal Self emerges comprised of archetypal values
    that will enable a creature to arise which will have a sense of self awareness
    and generate experiences. These experiences are accumulated within a context of
    polarity which gives the illusion of good and evil. This is all by design as
    the accumulatice experience of humanity is the experience of "God." This in
    turns creates a scenario wherein the Primal Unconscious becomes aware of Itself.

    Our part in creation is to contribute to the conscious evolution of the Universe
    itself. The Tikkun Olam is as Rabbi Aryel said the raising of sparks which are
    embedded in the kelipot because of a fracturing of the Primordial Consciousness,
    which is refered to as Shevirat Kelim. Shevirat Kelim is the fragmentation of
    the psyche and the return of the sparks is the process of Individuation and
    restructuring of the old ego to build a new Self. The reconstitution of the
    Self in the process of Tikkun is refered to as Partzufim- but I will not get
    into that here.

    With all of this being said let me summarize by saying further that your purpose
    in this life is to build experiences based on positive deeds. This can be found
    in either side of the archetypal pillars and therefore the evolved individual
    rises above the political and societal spectrum and is not dominated by either
    pillars. This individual is removed from general providence and engages in
    particular providence- only here can free will be exercised (at least in its
    fullest extent). Humanity collectively will not evolve of its own accord- only
    individuals will ascend the ladder of spiritual evolution to create the perfect
    image of God- fulfilling the creative imperative. Eventually all humanity (all
    souls that is) will be forced into spontaneous evolution and will be assimilated
    back into the Self. Until that time the world and humanity will collectively
    experience the excesses of the polarity of existence. No individual nor group
    of people can change or alter the general cycle of the rest of humanity. Be it
    war, politics, the rise and fall of countries, terrorism, etc. This will
    forever perpetuate as the struggle of the side pillars until that time when all
    will be One once again. So your primary duty in this life is to take advantage
    of life in this tumultuous state of existence and harness the adversity for your
    own personal tikkun hanefesh (rectification of the soul). Acts of kindness,
    generosity, personal reflection, cleaving to the Creator by increasing kavanah,
    etc. will help to raise your consciousness but engaging in the particulars of
    political and societal struggles will cause one to descend in their
    consciousness to be dominated by the side pillars once more.


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