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  • The Great Shemittot of Human Evolution

    Tuesday, July 2, 2013
    Planet Earth was chosen (or specifically created) as an environment within which the evolution of Human Consciousness can proceed.

    The Earth is configured so as to provide cycles of evolutionary development. In the Kabbalah these cycles are referred to as Shemittot.

    A very important evolutionary cycle (Shemittah) begins from Primitive Man and is completed after Technological Man completes the end phase of the cycle.

    The purpose of the Great Shemittah is to stimulate a shift in the focus of Human Consciousness from the ego to the soul, or in other words, from purely materialist thinking to a living attunement with spiritual forces.

    The final 'Technological' phase of the Great Shemittah is the 'end game' during which Humanity reveals (through its own actions) whether or not it has achieved a sufficient degree of 'soul consciousness' to avoid self destruction.

    The Human Race has failed on numerous occasions to survive the 'end game' phase of the Great Shemittah. The cycle has then recommenced with Humanity again starting the evolutionary process from primitive origins.

    With each round of the GreatShemittah Humanity evolves a little further along a path towards the achievement of the requisite degree of 'soul consciousness'--that is, it approaches more closely a level of collective consciousness that will allow the Human species to survive the final 'Technological' phase of the Great Shemittah.

    Individuals who 'make the grade' at the end of each Great Shemittah become working members of the 'Spiritual Hierarchy' whose role is it to guide collective Humanity on the path towards soul consciousness.

    Will we collectively survive the 'end game' of our current Great Cycle? The only way we can do so is by shifting our consciousness away from an over-emphasis on materialism and towards a greater level of 'soul awareness'. Otherwise we are likely to destroy ourselves again.


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