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  • Interview with Rav Z'ev ben Shimon HaLevi

    Wednesday, July 10, 2013
    Z’ev ben Shimon HaLevi is the Rosh Mekubal (head Kabbalist) oof the Toledano Tradition of Kabbalah. He heads the Kabbalah Society based in London with branches around the world and has written dozens of books on the subject of Kabbalah. I requested this interview because the Rav is getting older in age (now in his 80’s) and I feel it is important to draw out as much wisdom as possible from such an important modern Kabbalist.   I hope this interview is edifying. It is short as the Rav is writing another book and has little time and yet he took time to respond to my questions.

    1.) Could you please give the readers an overview of this work you have been doing over the last few decades and explain what it is that compels you to continue this work?

    My work? I have a recollection, just before my birth, of being given the task to translate ancient and medieval Kabbalah into modern terms for our generation.

    2.) Kabbalah has increased in popularity over the last few years. Do you perceive any significance to this phenomena? Do you feel the rising trend in Kabbalah to be fate or fad?

    New interest in Kabbalah? The Tradition needs refreshing to meet the spiritual hunger of our time.

    3.) How does your perception of the Wisdom of Kabbalah differ from the teachings of other groups such as the general teachings of Chasidut or more modern schools of thought?

    The reason why the Kabbalah Society exists is because the Tradition has become too sectarian when in fact it is universal in essence. Kabbalah has always moved with the times, as it did in biblical, Babylonian and medieval epochs. If it does not update, it will die, like the old Pagan esoteric traditions.
    4.) The subject of Astrology has always been embedded in the Jewish psyche. The Hebrew Bible has references to the subject, the Talmud and Midrash speak of it and representations of the Zodiac have been found in ancient synagogue architecture. What is the relationship between Kabbalah and astrology in your estimation and how can this relationship benefit humanity today?

    Kabbalah and Astrology date back to Abraham and Ur, the city of astrologers. It is the oldest form of psychology that relates the symbolism and metaphysics of Kabbalah to the cosmic patterns of fate that govern history.

    5.) I heard once that the relationship between Judaism and Kabbalah could be summed up with the word "amnesia."  Do you feel this is a proper appraisal and in your own words how would you define this relationship?

    The term "amnesia" regarding Kabbalah and Judaism reveals how the connection between esoteric and exoteric religion has been forgotten. The result is that the Tradition has become more concerned with outer custom and rules than inner spirituality and human evolution.

    6.) How has the Toledano tradition of Kabbalah been received amongst Judaism in a general sense? Do you feel this teaching will become more embraced by the mainstream of Jewish spiritual seekers?

    The Toledo tradition is based on a time when mutual tolerance between different cultures in medieval Spain allowed them to learn from each other. This was a period when an interest in Hellenic philosophy enhanced the work of the Jewish, Christian and Islamic schools of the soul.

    7.) Do you feel your Wisdom will become calcified and sort of canonized in years to come or do you hope to see your imparted Wisdom continue to grow and evolve in the hands of new students?

    I hope this modern version of the Teaching will become integrated into the Jewish tradition as did the work of earlier writers such as Ibn Gabirol, Ibn Ezra and Azriel. They introduced precise metaphysical order into biblical and symbolic cosmology. Today it is science and psychology that will enhance what the Torah teaches.

    8.) Thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to answer these questions. I appreciate the work you have done and continue to do. Is there anything you would like to freely impart to us at the end of this interview?

    What is my final response to your question? Be alert to what is really going on at the personal, historic and celestial levels and aid God to behold God in the Mirror of Existence.


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