The Root of Evil
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
I received the following question:
Question: Do you think that greed is the root of all "evil"?
Answer: There are many aspects of a deficient nature that can be pointed to as a problem but they can all be distilled to one common denominator- the ego. The ego is the personality vehicle which is the source of the desire to receive for oneself. It is the opposite of altruism which is the highest ideal and contradicts benevolence. Greed, fear, lust, hatred, etc. are all symptoms of one singular cause- the ego. This is why the ego must be the focus of ones consciousness. The ego needs to be tempered and bridled in order for one to gain mastery over oneself which is equivalent to mastery over life. To focus on the symptoms, like greed, is similar to going to a doctor for a disease and instead of treating the cause of the disease he just gives you medecine to alleviate the symptoms. In such a case the disease reamins and the symptoms return. The same is true about the ego.
Question: Do you think that greed is the root of all "evil"?
Answer: There are many aspects of a deficient nature that can be pointed to as a problem but they can all be distilled to one common denominator- the ego. The ego is the personality vehicle which is the source of the desire to receive for oneself. It is the opposite of altruism which is the highest ideal and contradicts benevolence. Greed, fear, lust, hatred, etc. are all symptoms of one singular cause- the ego. This is why the ego must be the focus of ones consciousness. The ego needs to be tempered and bridled in order for one to gain mastery over oneself which is equivalent to mastery over life. To focus on the symptoms, like greed, is similar to going to a doctor for a disease and instead of treating the cause of the disease he just gives you medecine to alleviate the symptoms. In such a case the disease reamins and the symptoms return. The same is true about the ego.