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  • Is Everything Subjective?

    Tuesday, June 18, 2013
    Consciousness is the fundamental and underlying essence of exisence. There has been some revealing experimentation done demonstrating the conception of a Collective consciousness. Why is this important? Because the external world is nothing more than energetic expressions of Consciousness. Our 5 senses convert this "light" to electrical impulses within the nervous system and is subsequently received and interpreted by the brain. The brain interprets and forms a picture and it is within the picture that you actually attain your experience of living. The issue here is that since your reality is an interpretation then it is subjective as all incoming impulses are filtered through the egoistic sense of self, which is the accumulated perceptions you have retain over the course of your life. In a very tue sense we are living an entirely subject existentialism. However, people will then ask that if this is the case why do we perceive elements of existence in an identical manner... the answer seems to be that we are all a part of one collective consciousness and our brains are a type of transceiver for consciousness that both sends and receives information. Thus we are all plugged into the Matrix of Consciousness together which forms a framework for our illusory existence.
    The Kabbalists teach that most of humanity only perceives 1% of reality. This mundane level of perception is refered to as: mochin d'katnut.
    There is a higher perception that is of Zeir Anpin and is a greater Objective reality of the other 99%. We may evolve spiritually by raising our consciousness from the 1% to the various levels of Zeir Anpin. This greater perception is called: mochin d'gadlut.


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