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  • DNA & Hebrew Letters

    Tuesday, June 25, 2013
    There are a number of very interesting parallels between the Hebrew alphabet and genetics. Let me outline some of the major themes:

    1. Human genetics contain 22 building blocks called amino acids, which
    correspond to the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet. The Hebrew alphabet is divided into 3 categories: 3 mothers, 7 doubles and 12 elementals. The amino acids are likewise divided into the same subdivision of 3,7, and 12. Utilizing simple gematria it is not difficult to assign each Hebrew letter with the corresponding amino acid.

    2. DNA is composed of 4 elements: hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon. There
    are four types of gematria methods, each corresponding to a level of PaRDeS.
    Utilizing the mispar method we may simplify the value of each elements atomic
    mass as: 1,5,6,3, which corresponds to the Hebrew letters (under the same
    method) of: Y (yod), H (hey), V (vav) and G (gimel). You should immediately
    recognize that the title of YH (Yah) is present followed by another Hey and
    lastly a gimel. In the Shem HaMeforash there are only 3 unique letters which
    appear in the DNA sequence: "YHV". Instead of a final repetetive Hey though we
    find a gimel instead. The question is "What does this mean?" I have many
    thoughts concerning this but will give only a coupe for now.

    3. The "YHV" appears encoded in human DNA. Each of these corresponds to the
    Upper Worlds of Atzilut, Beriyah, and Yetzirah. The final realm is Assiyah, the
    physical realm is the composite of all 3 of the higher realms. Coincidentally
    the "physical realm is represented by the gimel, which corresponds to the
    element carbon. The entire physical word that we are composed of is a carbon
    based environment.

    4. Gimel is composed of a vav and a yod, which is a pictorial representation of
    a man in motion. Therefore the gimel represent the human being in its pictorial.

    5. The Gimel further begins the two words: "Gan Eden" and "Galut." I believe
    that Adam's fall was an exile from Gan Eden. Adam then entered Galut (exile).
    Gan Eden is not a physical place but existed in the world of Yetzirah. The fall
    caused Adam to descend to Assiyah- the physical place wherein he was enclosed
    with "skin" as the Torah states- he became a physical creature. In other words,
    a gimel was added to Adam's make-up when he became a physical creature and our
    DNA reflects this.

    6. If we divided the "YH" and "VG" into two words we could switch the "VG"
    around to read "within body." Switching words around in Hebrew study is common.
    We would then read: "Yah within a body." Of course Jewish theology reflects the
    idea that everything in creation is an emanation of the Creator and the purpose
    of creation according to the Midrash is for "God to behold God." In man who was
    created "b'tzelem elohim" we are in fact the representation of the Creator and
    our lives, which are the accumulation of experiences, are the mechanism for this
    to come into actualization. This is a deeper concept and I won't delve into that

    Hopefully this all makes some sense to you. There is a lot more to be said.
    Particularly in the are of man's responsibility to unite the "name" of the
    Creator. I'll hopefully address this in a forthcoming discourse on the subject.


    1. Yechiel said...:

      There is a theory that an advance civilization existed thousands of years ago. Maybe, as the wise persons perceived the collapse of their civilization, they took measures to ensure that the advanced ideas would be preserved. The line of Adam is important here, as Adam = human race/mankind. It is a contraction of Adamah, ground, from where not life comes from, as much, as the means to conserve life. This would also give an insight as to where the "Daughters of man" came from; the humanity which survived whatever happened when the original civilization collapsed. Some retained learning, and encoded the ideas and ideology of their past, thus making those with the wisdom to know able to re-arise the previous knowledge. Intense study of our writings has brought forth much knowledge. Now, the same concentrated on the Alphabet can, and may be as I write this, revealing more of the ancient knowledge of our pre-Adamic humans. Look carefully and much may be reviled to you.

    1. Unknown said...:

      There are some commenatries by our Sages that indicate a pre-Adamic civilization. There are also indications that there were previous Universes before our own. Why would this be the case? Perhaps is is the fulfillment of the Divine Imperative as expressed by the Midrash which states that the purpose of existence was so that God could behold God. In other words, Consciousness has an imperative to express Itself- to be Conscious of something. There is nothing other than God in Essence so truly God can only become aware of Itself. I've written about this extensively but to make a long story short the first act of the revelation of the Light or Will (Ratzon) was an event called the Tzimtzum which parallels closely with what the modern scientists call the Big Bang. Modern scientists have observed that our Universe is still expanding and that inevitably the expansion is unsustainable and the Universe could collapse back in on itself. The Universe is bound to return to the original point of Singularity from which it expanded. What happens then? According to the findings of recent scientists and the teachings of some of the Kabbalists the whole process will start all over again. A new Universe with a new perameter of expression, new laws f physics and new experiences wherein the Divine Imperative (God's expression) can experience a whole new aspect of Itself.

    1. Ruan said...: This comment has been removed by the author.
    1. Ruan said...: This comment has been removed by the author.
    1. Ruan said...:

      I've written about this subject on my blog http://genetickabbalah.blogspot.com/ .

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